Geospatial Standards for Web-enabled Environmental Models

Patrick Maué, Christoph Stasch, George Athanasopoulos, Lydia E. Gerharz


Serving geographic information via standardized Web services has been widely accepted as a useful approach. Web-enabled environmental models simulating real-world phenomena are, however, rare. The models predict observations traditionally served by geospatial Web services compliant to well-defined standards. Using standardized Web services could support decoupling of models, comparison of similar models, and the automatic integration into existing geospatial workflows. Modeling experts face several open issues when migrating existing environmental computer models to the Web. The selection of the Web service interface depends on the input parameters required for the successful execution of the computer model. Losing control over the execution of the models, and consequently also the confidence in model results, can be addressed to a certain extent by using translucent and standardized workflow languages. Mechanisms and open problems for the implementation of geospatial Web service compositions are discussed. Two scenarios about oil spills and the exposure to air pollution illustrate the impact of unconfigured model parameters for standard-compliant spatial data clients.


Web services, Standards, Environmental Models, workflows

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