An Improved Parcel-Based Approach to Bruneian Geocoded Address Database

Zetty Hamid, Samsung Lim, Sanjeev Kumar Jha


A new framework of Brunei’s national geocoded address database is proposed in this paper. The proposed framework is based on the concept of land parcel-based geocoding and deterministic record linkage, which involves three datasets: the national address database, cadastral polygons and building centroids. The technique used in the development of the framework is an improved version of land parcel-based geocoding with no matching address components since addresses are sourced from the authorised national address database. Addresses are mapped onto the centroids of building polygons resulting in formation of geocoded address points. Cadastral polygons of land parcels act as a mediator to link the address database and the building centroids using its unique key known as ‘lotnum_bc’. The proposed approach has an advantage in terms of fitting into the currently available resources. Furthermore, the proposed approach produces geocoded addresses for buildings when compared with valid addresses from the authorised address database up to the accuracy of parcel-based geocoding level. The deterministic record linkage requires validation of ‘lotnum_bc’ within the address database to ensure such an accuracy. It is expected that the proposed geocoded address database will become an integral part of the spatial data infrastructure of Brunei.


geocoded address, parcel-based, deterministic record linkage, cadastral polygons

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